Memorial Day 6v6 Soccer Tournament
When: Sunday, May 25, 2025 (rain or shine)
Where: Honesdale High School Soccer Fields, located at Stourbridge Primary Center,
123 ABC Drive, Honesdale PA
Times: Registration and team warmup 7:30-8:30 am
Games will start promptly at 9 am and end late-afternoon
Divisions: High School Boys Varsity High School Girls JV
High School Girls Varsity High School Boys JV
Jr. High Coed U12 Coed
Adult Coed (It’s for fun folks, let’s not break a hip!)
Rules: 8 players per team encouraged, 10 players maximum
Adult supervision/coach for each team is mandatory
Four (4) 26-minute games guaranteed
Awards: Point system calculation determines top teams
1st and 2nd place teams play 5th game for final victory
Awards for 1st place in each division
MVP Award for each team (except adult division)
Shootout competition at lunch time
Concession stand will have breakfast and lunch available. Basket raffles!
Cost: $225 per team
Pay by Venmo using @Honesdaleboyssoccer or send check payable to Honesdale Friends of Soccer (FOS) to Katie Lester at 96 Beechrock Rd., Honesdale PA 18431
Registration: For online registration, visit
Registration ends on May 9 or when age division or tournament is full. Register early for spot!
Any questions, please contact Katie Lester at 570-881-9067
Memorial Day 6v6 Soccer Tournament
Memorial Day Tournament Sponorship Flyer